Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just One Thing

If you could ask only one thing of God, what would it be?

In Psalm 27, verse 4, David says this:
  • One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after (seek means to crave, long for, pursue, go after); that I may dwell in the house of the Lord (dwell in the presence of God) all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire (meditate) in his temple. (Psalm 27:4)

One thing - THE ONE THING - that David craved was to dwell - to constantly live and remain - in the presence of God, to see His face, to behold His beauty. I thought about that for a decent amount of time, and read and reread it. I took a serious look at my own heart. Could I say this was what my heart truly desires, longs for, craves, seeks? Today, after 20-some years of walking with God, I can honestly say, yes - this is the truest desire of my heart. If I could ask only one thing of God, right now, this would be it.

I probably could not have said that even four months ago - maybe even more recently than that. But in the past month or so, God has been pushing me, stretching me, and bringing me to a new level with him (which I've mentioned in prior posts), and in that process, I've come to realize that knowing God and being in his presence is the ONE thing that I value most. In his presence, I find so many things - peace, comfort, patience, stability, protection, and strength that I do not have on my own. If I do not seek God, if I try to go it alone, I feel like I'm floundering. I feel uncomfortable, nervous or anxious of failure, uncertain of the next step, and often frustrated because there's no flow to what I'm doing. I am beginning to realize, through this day to day learning process God has me on right now, how much I really NEED him. I am helpless without him.

So my next step is to grow to the place where I just REMAIN in God's presence. I'm not at that point in my life yet, although I would love to be, and I believe some day I will get there. So many times throughout each day I find myself in the middle of a near-crisis situation - losing my temper, feeling sorry for myself, feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or overcome. And some days, even when it gets to this point, I forget to step back from what's going on around me and turn to God. And other days, when I do try to seek Him, I feel like I can't find Him, or I can't seem to connect in my heart. So I guess I am going to have to take full advantage of every chance I get - those times that I truly find myself in quality time with God - and make David's prayer my prayer, that I might remain in His presence every day of my life, that I might see His face, know Him and understand just how amazing and beautiful He is.

This will be the one thing I ask of God.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Little Reminder

Today in church I had a different experience. Pastor Mark was talking, and I noticed a lady slip up the isle and head to the altar off to the side. She knelt there alone - no altar call had been made - she just came. Pastor Mark continued to talk - approaching the close of the message, when all of a sudden I felt this unexplainable urge to go kneel with the lady at the altar. "You've got to be kidding," was the first thing I thought, followed immediately by "I can't do that. He's still talking, and I'm sitting in the center isle." But, because God's funny like that, He just wouldn't seem to let it drop. I tried to ignore it, but, because of some of the stuff I've been recently walking through, I knew I couldn't. So, while the pastor was still talking, I slipped up the middle isle, across the front of the church, and knelt with a woman I had never met.

I'm not telling you this to tell you how great I am for doing such a 'holy' thing or anything remotely of the kind. In fact, I really really struggled with this, and almost chose to blatantly ignore God because I was uncomfortable doing what He was requesting (ahhh, so many lessons!), which is hardly something to brag about. But I wanted to share this with you because it ended in such an awesome way.

At the end of it all, the lady (who introduced herself as Kim) told me that she was there because she had been trying to follow God's lead in her life, trying to do what she thought He was asking of her, and in the process she was losing friends - she said they were 'dropping like flies.' She was up there praying for someone to help her through it, just to be by her side and give her a boost. She said it was like an immediate answer to her prayer when she felt a hand on her back. I almost fell over (not literally, but you know what I mean). I was instantly reminded that 1) God is faithful and does not abandon us in hard times, 2) He hears our prayers, and 3) He provides what we need in just the right timing - His timing. He's AWESOME. It was a reminder to me that God is BIG ENOUGH, and He just does awesome things.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Free Gift (Update)

I still have 2 available, if anyone wants to claim one...or if you can think of someone who may benefit from one. I'll probably place the order on Monday, so let me know....PLEASE!

Friday, February 23, 2007

That's my story...and I'm stickin' to it!

I got an email from someone asking me how I got into God. While I responded personally to that person's email, I thought I would post my story here for everyone to read.

Like I've shared before, I invited Jesus into my life when I was somewhere between 3 & 5. My Mom was a great roll-model for me as far as how to walk consistently with God. As I was growing up, we went to church pretty regularly, but I never really felt like the best little Christian there was. There were always friends of mine who went to more church functions, or said better-sounding prayers, or knew more Bible stories and facts. I was never the fastest at looking up verses, and I never won the Bible quizzes we would do in Sunday School. So, somehow, for me, there always seemed to be a bit of a disconnect. God felt very much to me like a big giant mythical figure in the clouds who watched everything I did, so I better be good! So, while I respected God and had reverential fear of God, I did not really KNOW him. I knew He was watching over me. I knew He protected me and He provided for me, but I did not know He could be a friend.

Well, in college, I entered a phase of my life that I think is pretty natural for many of us who were raised in the church. I began to question my beliefs...did I believe in God because I really BELIEVED, or did I believe in God because my mom told me to? (Sorry Mom, I know that sounds harsh, but it's true.) So, for a while, I sort of put God aside. There were so many things that just, logically, didn't seem to make sense. But I could never seem to disprove Him, either. So I just kind of kept on doing my thing. I think even during this time I always believed there was a God. I just didn't really always apply Him to my own life.

At some point during college - some time after 1998 (the summer I spent in Spain), I started to come back to the realization that God was really real - that He wasn't going anywhere, no matter how far I tried to push Him away. And I realized, after some stuff I went through during that time (some really personal, really kind of dark stuff), that God DID in fact care about me, because He cared enough to seek me out, and send me help to pull me out of some really dark times - and He did all of that even AFTER I had tried to push Him away. He loved me that much. If someone had ever treated me the way I had treated Him, I think I would have been inclined to leave them in the mess they'd made for themselves - you know, they got what they deserved, etc etc. But I came to a quick realization that God doesn't work the way you and I do - and for this one reason, if for no other, I knew I needed Him more than I ever realized. So, I said I was sorry, I asked for forgiveness, and I moved forward.

My moving forward was not, by any stretch of the imagination, perfect...it never will be! I think at this point in my life, I was sort of rebuilding - starting over - like a baby learning to walk again. So I would stand, I would step, I would wobble and come crashing down. But, you know what they say about practice! And because God is the amazing being that He is, he was continually putting people in my life to give me strength, give me a boost, say the right thing, or offer help. Slowly slowly I began to develop into a person with a strong conviction that God IS who He says He is, that Jesus did what He said He did, and that the Bible is TRUE.

Still, though, at this point, I was believing as much as I knew how, but God was still not my FRIEND. He was still the giant guy in the sky that I turned to when I needed help, and said thanks to when something went my way. I was still directing my own path and trying to control much of my life that I should have been handing over...but that's part of learning and growing...all in time, I guess.

When we moved, and I started staying home after Meagan was born, I started watching Joyce Meyer on TV. I have always been very skeptical of TV preachers, but just listening to her, I knew she was for real, and what she was saying was the truth. And when our spirits hear the truth, they KNOW it's true, and they start to hunger for more of it. That's just the way we were designed.

So, I started TiVo'ing her show (Enjoying Everyday Life) and watching it in the middle of the night when I was up with Meagan. Then, it worked its way into my morning or afternoon time, and before I realized what was happening, I had learned soooooo much about the practical application of God's word in my life. (Her teaching style is very straight-forward, simple, and practical, so she's very easy for me to learn from). Through her, I was beginning to see that God was not only real, but he was attainable - approachable - personal - all the things I always wished God was but never thought He was.

Over the past year and a half, I have grown so much in my walk with God. A few months after I started watching her show regularly, I began to crave a personal relationship, but I wasn't sure how to go about getting one. Then she said once during one of her teachings, that I could have whatever kind of relationship I wanted with God - it just depended on how much I was willing to put into it.

See, what I've learned is that Christianity isn't at all as complicated and difficult as we tend to make it out to be. It's like this - I believe in God. I believe Jesus died for me. I believe He did that out of complete love like I could never begin to understand, and when He did that, He opened the door for me to have a relationship with God without all the rules and laws that existed before Jesus came. So, I agree to follow Jesus...to learn about him...to acknowledge him...to trust him...just, in general, to love him. If I do this much, the rest begins to fall in place.
The Bible says this:
  • Jesus answered, If a person really loves Me, he will keep My word, obey My teaching; and My Father will love him, and We (meaning God & Jesus) will come to him and make our home with him (John 14:23)

This doesn't mean 'If you're going to follow me, you have to do everything right.' It means, 'if you love me enough to spend time with me and get to know me, I'll be with you every step of the way. I'll help you - I'll give you strength to do the right thing, and to follow where I lead you. And through all of it, We will love you and be with you.'

See, it's not so legalistic after all. It's really just a give and take. I give Jesus what I have to give - which is not much...my love, my worship, my gratitude, my time - and He gives me everything I need to fulfill the life He wants me to have. And trust me, I know without a doubt, that I want the life that died to give me - the life God wants for me. Nothing I could ever imagine can even begin to compare to what God can imagine - my ideas pale in comparison.

  • The thief (meaning Satan) comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have in in abundance (to the full, until it overflows). (John 10:10)

That's just awesome to me! Jesus died so that I can truly enjoy my life, and have a life so full of joy and blessing that it can do nothing but overflow! I don't know about you, but I'm sold!

So, now that I've written a mini-novel... This is it. This is how I've gotten to this place today. I'm still not perfect, and there are TONS of areas where I know I could improve (like my temper, my patience, my words). But all I have is time. And I know (not only because the Bible tells me in John 14:23, but also because I can feel it happening in my daily life) that Jesus IS with me giving me strength and conviction and whatever else I may need to walk stronger with him each day. And I know that even while I'm a work in progress, He loves me just as I am, and He will not leave my side. And a love like that is why I choose to stay.

I have a gift for you

Okay, I was watching Joyce Meyer this morning (love her! I always learn such practical application from her!), and lo and behold, she is offering a teaching right now called 'Religion or Relationship.' Immediately, God put this in my heart, so I wanted to post it for you.

I want this teaching to get into the hands of those who want to learn more about a real relationship with God. So, whether you've always walked with God, and you just want to freshen up your walk, or whether you've always had a religion, but don' t know HOW to have a relationship, OR if you've never had either and would like to learn more about it...

For the first 5 people to either leave me a comment or email me (r_walker78(at)hotmail.com) - (replace (at) with @) telling me you would like one of these, I will get it for you and have it sent to you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take advantage of this! I am SOOOO excited to do this for you!

(If I know you, I PROMISE this is not an open door for me to preach to you or hound you about it. That's not my thing. So, please don't be embarrassed to let me know you are interested! Love ya!)

Can't wait to hear from you!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get Real.

I can't remember the exact moment that this 'urge' entered my spirit, but some time during my college career I started feeling like I needed to break out of the 'box' that churches and church-affiliated groups were creating. Being on UT's campus, there were plenty of opportunities to get involved with groups or clubs that claimed a Godly foundation, or to make Christian friends. And Lord knows that city has its fair share of churches! But, I felt very confined in all of it, so I stayed away. I tried out several churches. I felt a lot of rules and religion, but not a lot of heart. And when I thought I had actually found one I liked, the leaders of the church turned around and shunned a girl who had gotten pregnant, setting, what I thought, was an un-Christ-like example for the church body.

Fast forward to December 2004. We were uprooted from our home and moved two and a half hours away to a new town, in a new state, with a completely different atmosphere. At first, I did good just to find a sitter before I had to return to work. It was at this point, that I stopped looking for a church. During that time, slowly slowly, I started reading the Bible, studying, listening to teachings. Reconnecting to God. And over the next year and a half, I learned more about God, who He is, what He wants from me, and how He operates, than I think I can say I had ever learned in all of my years going to church. He began to open my eyes to what it really means to be a Christian; to what it really means to give him my life; to what it really means to walk in love. And most importantly, I began to understand who I am in Christ. It's not about going to church every Sunday like clockwork. It's not about dressing just so, or talking 'holy.' It's not about memorizing the Bible or underlining it a hundred times over. It's so much deeper than that. It's much more personal. I think, for me, that was something that I needed to discover in private - out from under the watchful eye of the others in the church, and out from the confines of others' expectations. I now know, without hesitation, what God expects from me. And I know it because I have learned how to know him. I have learned how to talk to him. How to listen to him. (And this is not to say that I don't have tons more to learn, but this past few years has really been a time for laying a foundation to grow on.)

Now, I have found a church that I enjoy - I love the power behind every lesson taught. I love the time that I get to spend worshiping my king. But I am able to be there now, while I may not have been able to be there 2 years ago. Because now I am standing on solid ground. And I know that if that building should cease to exist, I would still have what I have with God. And I could continue to worship him and grow with him. Because God is no longer boxed up in the church building for me to go and visit every Sunday morning. He is my life...Monday through Sunday. He is my constant companion. He is my source of comfort, my guardian, my guide. He is my friend.

And I am beginning to realize that what I want most to see in my lifetime is to see a change in the church so radical that there is no more box to put God in. I want people to KNOW him...to know that they are not confined by laws and rules and expectations that others have put into place. I feel like there are so many people sitting beside me in church every Sunday (and in every church across the nation) that are more concerned with doing the right thing (dressing the right way, saying the right thing, sitting with the right people, sitting or standing or clapping or whatever else at just the right time, so that everyone else can see how good they are) than they are with spending that time with God. And if those of us in the church body aren't in it for the right reasons, how are we EVER to make anyone else feel welcome? How will we EVER convince others that this is the one true way to live life? People aren't looking for a RELIGION. They are looking for a redeemer, a savior, a friend. They want to feel loved (not just by Jesus, but also by those around them). They want acceptance. They don't want to walk into a building for the first time, just as I have done so many times, and feel judged or excluded. And mostly, people aren't looking to buy into something phony and superficial. If they're going to give their lives to it...if it's really going to change them...it's GOT to be REAL. It's got to be DEEP. It's got to be Monday through Sunday, no matter if we're at church, or at the grocery, or at home.

I heard this quote today, and I think it's worth thinking on: "Religion is man's idea of God's expectations." Will our 'religion' really matter when we find ourselves standing before Him? Or will he care more about our hearts, our intentions, our motivations? All throughout the NT, the people Jesus continually struggled with the most were the religious leaders. Those who were so sure of themselves - certain they were doing all the right things, and acting in just the right way, so as to be righteous (right with God). But Jesus says time and time again, DO NOT BE LIKE THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS. You cannot DO enough to make yourself right with God. Only a relationship, and a dedication of your life to Christ, can do that.

So, this is what I think- I believe that this MUST be the direction of the church. I can see it starting to move under the surface, just in the small circle that I am in, as well as through the teachings I've listened to, etc on a more global level. I think we need to shake off the religious spirit that has infected our churches and put on Christ - in every way. Stop making people feel like they have to meet OUR expectations to be included, and start celebrating when someone new or 'unlikely' walks through the door. Take time to get to know people and love them for who they are instead of seeing them for who we think they should be. And go to church - live our lives - for the purpose of worshiping God - for who he is, because He is AWESOME! I have such a passion in my heart about this - about Christians really getting REAL and really GETTING it. The path I've walked with God over the past 2 years has brought me here. I believe that He is desperate to stir the heart of His church.

It's time for us to get real.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Letting Go

I sat down earlier to try to post something, but I felt like I was going in 20 different directions with what I was trying to say. So I decided to put it aside & come back later. Well, here I am, and I'm still struggling a little. But, one thing keeps coming to mind. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's what I've got, so here goes...

I remember a poem that hung on the wall of our home when I was growing up:

As children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend,
I brought my broken dreams to God because he was my friend.
But then instead of leaving him in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried, "How could you be so slow?"
"My child," he said, "what could I do? You never did let go."
-Author unknown

Sometimes the things we're praying for the most, we're believing for and hoping for the most, don't seem to be happening like we would like - not the way we think they should, not as quickly as we think they should. But, often, the real hindrance to the situation is US. If we are not willing to let go of something, to allow God to 'fix' it, to bless us, in the timing and manner that he sees fit, then he cannot help us. Until we are willing to completely hand something over, and to say, "This is not in my hands, but in yours," God cannot truly take hold of it and begin to work.

One of the coolest things about God is that he has given us free will, and he operates in a way that does not infringe on that will. He does not want us to serve him because we are forced to, but because we choose to. He does not want us to trust him and to love him because he's all powerful and he can make us do it. He wants it to come from us. And unless we willingly surrender an area of our lives to him, he will not take it from us.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

For the time being...

You know, it seems like when I feel God is really asking me to DO something, He never seems to be asking something EASY of me. He asked me to quit my job, give up more than half of our family income, and seemingly set aside my education (which had always been a huge focus & priority for me) to stay home and be a mother (not that this is any insignificant thing, but it was a HUGE change from where I had been). I think I can safely say that THAT was not a small request, and it was not a decision that was just easy for me to make. But, I chose to do it.

Now, I find myself facing another request. Although I won't go into specifics, this one, on the surface, seems like a much simpler thing. Yet, somehow, I think it was easier to decide to stay home! This one little thing feels like the world at this given time, and I know that choosing to be obedient will bring major struggles for me personally. Yet, I know it's my choice. And I understand that this simple request is much more. It is a gauge of my willingness to let go of what I would much rather control. It is my chance to show where I stand - to either move forward or put up a road block in my walk with God.

I know that there are windows of opportunity, and the Bible tells us that once those windows close, another chance does not always come. I feel like this is one of those times for me...I can choose to go with God on this and give Him the opportunity to do some pretty sweet stuff in my life, or I can choose not to. One is easy now, but tough in the long-run. The other is SOOOOO difficult now, but comes with promises of a good outcome. So while it's tough right now - even painful - it will payoff later on.

  • For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful; but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it... (Hebrews 12:11)

So, while this is not an easy thing for me to commit to, I will do it. And I will do it consistently, even if I have to do it with a sense of uneasiness for now. I'm sure that when David went running toward Goliath, although he had full faith in God, he was at least a little uneasy. But he still RAN towards his Giant, calling on God for strength to do what he could not do alone. And, there is a promise of peace and joy 'afterwards.' So, I know that at some point I will be able to do this task with joy. But for the time being, I will discipline myself to do it out of obedience.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's Personal.

I know it's been a few days since I've posted here. I've had a rough couple of days, and was kind of struggling for perspective. I wanted to get myself right with God before I tried to pass anything along to anyone who might be reading this.

I'm in a time of transition in my walk with God. This is not something I can necessarily explain, but it is something I know beyond a doubt. I can feel him leading me into the next level, so to speak, with Him. And while I'm excited about all that is happening, I am also feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment, and maybe even a little tired from it all.

And through it all, God has been really challenging my faith to the core - my level of belief. Throughout my entire life, at any time, if asked, I would have told you I believe in God. I think I was somewhere between 3 & 5 years old when I asked Jesus into my life. It's just always been a part of life for me. But while I believe IN him, I can't say I always BELIEVED HIM with regards to my own life. Yes, I always believed him to be real. No I've not always been certain that his promises (according to his word) apply to me personally. I think it has just taken me quite a while to fully comprehend that God loves ME. Just as I am. Unconditionally. And he wants to bless ME.

Let me clarify - I have always believed God when it came to certain areas of my life - salvation, protection, just to give a few examples. But in other areas, I have been very hesitant to let go. I've been hesitant to be obedient. Apparently, it's time to shake that up a bit & see just where I choose to stand...because that's what's been happening in the past few weeks.

I was lying awake in bed a few nights ago, thinking some things over in my head, and really getting hung up on the 'unknowns' of some of the things in my life right now. Well, God interrupted my thoughts - mid-thought actually - and put this in my head: 'My word tells you that I put my word even above my own name. It is crucial that, to believe IN me, you must believe everything I say. Otherwise you do not believe in me at all. You must choose. I set before you life and death. Choose life.' I fell asleep thinking that over and over in my head.

Realization - I MUST believe that what God's word says is true if I am going to say I believe in God. That means, his word is true for ME. In every situation. It's time to take it personally. The Bible says over and over again, 'whosoever will...' That means, it is for anyone who will believe. It is for anyone who will act. It is for anyone who will obey. I am SOMEONE. It's for me.

It's personal.
  • IF YOU will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments which I command you this day, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you if you heed the voice of the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 28:1-2 - Amplified Bible)

  • I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Monday, February 12, 2007

I don't want to be a multi-tasker

A funny thing that happened between Lucas & me yesterday made me start thinking. Long story short, he was teasing me & giving me a hard time about a habit of mine that drives him crazy - it seems I always have at least 3 things in process at a time. I'll start something & then get distracted - the kids, a phone call, or something else that comes to mind - and forget totally that I was even doing something. Yesterday, it was cleaning the kitchen after lunch. I was plugging along, when one of the kids needed something upstairs. Next thing I knew, I was sitting on the couch watching Nanny 911...kitchen still half clean. Hmmmm...funny how that stuff happens a LOT around here.

But I started thinking about this whole phenomenon with me...you know, why is it that this is so common for me? What could I do to 'fix' it. And then I realized something - something I've always known about myself, but never really acknowledged. I HATE multi-tasking. It just seems so counter-intuitive to me. Even the term itself is somewhat repulsive (if you know me, you know that I'm not a big fan of 'catch phrases'). Yet, all through high school, college, and especially work, it was just the expectation. So I tried to train myself to balance a bunch of tasks all at once.

WHY??? It just doesn't make a lot of good sense to me. Why not start one thing & finish it (at least as far as you possibly can) before moving on? Why do we feel like we need to do so many things as once? Don't the other 10 things you're trying to do kind of steal your attention away from the 1 thing you started first? Why not slow down, do one thing at a time, and enjoy each thing along the way? THAT makes a LOT more sense to me, generally speaking. So, here's the deal - I'm obviously not a very good multi-tasker, and it doesn't even really make sense to me - so, I'm not going to do it! (probably a lot easier said than done). It will take some un-training time. But, I think it will be worth it. If nothing else, it will make me work more effectively, simplify life a little, and lower my stress level. Sounds like it's worth a shot!

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Ephesians 4 is now one of the most written-on chapters of my entire Bible. A few weeks ago in church, our pastor did an entire service around this one chapter of the Bible - a chapter I had never read, truthfully. But, Holy Moly, what a powerful section of God's word. His design for his church - for the way we are all to fit together, to work together, to build up the church, and to BE the BODY of Christ. So, although I had never even read it, after hearing it taught, I came home and read & reread it. There's so much to take in and try to understand.

But of all of it, one verse stands out to me above all the others. Maybe because I can immediately and directly apply it to my life RIGHT NOW and know that I will see instant IMPROVEMENT in my quality of living. Check it out:
  • Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying (building up), that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (King James Version)

Want it in a more straight-forward way? Here's what the New Living Translation says:

  • Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

What if I applied that filter to everything I ever said? If I made sure that I said everything in a way that was good, helpful, and encouraging to anyone who might hear me talking? If it's not one of those three things, SHUT UP! What a difference that could make, not only in the way I speak, but in the quality of my life. So, I gave it a shot.

In the past few weeks, as I've made this a focus - applied this filter to the way I speak to Lucas and to the kids - I can honestly say, without a doubt, we've had fewer irritations & arguments. The kids have responded in SUCH a positive way and have been easier to discipline and steer back on-course when they get a little crazy. I've seen more joy and affection coming out of Isaac (in particular) than I've seen for quite a while. And, in general, I have felt just a greater peacefulness in my spirit - a step up in my level of happiness, I would call it.

Give it some thought. Give it a shot. See if applying this filter to your mouth makes a difference in your life. I believe it will. It can't hurt to try, right?

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Words to live by

I was looking back through some of my journals yesterday and I came across something I had written down a while back. I heard it said by Joyce Meyer once several months ago. I'm not sure if it's an exact quote, but it's still worth thinking about and mulling over (and over and over). It's pretty powerful stuff really...How much am I willing to give?

'Of him to whom much is given, much is required.'

Monday, February 5, 2007

The Power of Words

I've been studying this a lot for the past few months. It seems like God keeps prompting me in this area with some sometimes not-so-subtle hints. Although in my head, I could spout off lots of 'knowledge' of how this stuff works, to say that I've come to a point where I fully understand it would be more than a stretch. But it's starting to sink in - you know - way down deep inside where it counts, where it's planted & can begin to sprout. I'm finally starting to get it, and to realize how much I NEED to get it. There are lots of areas in my life where I think I'm doing myself more damage than good just because of what I let come out of my mouth. Complaints, whining, venting, anger, frustration...all pouring out with all I have to say. I guess, to sum it up, it's become clear to me that this has been impacting my children, my parenting, my marriage, my finances, and on and on. Something tells me I won't be moving on to a new topic for quite a while. But that's okay - stick with it until you get it. Not convinced that it's that big of a deal? You don't have to look any further than a few verses in Proverbs to see that it's a big deal to God.

Proverbs 10:14 - IN the multitude of words there wants not sin: but he that refrains his lips is wise.

Proverbs 13:3 - He that keeps his mouth keeps his life: but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction.

Proverbs 18:20 - A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled. (ever heard the saying, you eat your own words...???)

Proverbs 18:21 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

How powerful is that? Death and life are in the POWER of the tongue. That verse alone is enough to convince me that this area is worth focusing on. And, not only that, but focus on it and stick with it until I GET it!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Humble Pie for Breakfast

This was brought to my attention for the first time just this past Friday. Did you know that after Jesus - King of kings, Lord of everything - died on the cross and rose from the dead, he sought out some of his disciples, and - get this - MADE THEM BREAKFAST. When I really thought about that, I realized how completely SELFLESS that was! He made no scene. He asked for no fanfare. He just found them after a hard night of work, and thought they might be hungry. They might need something to eat. So he cooked for them and served them breakfast. He SERVED them...picked up right where he left off - see a need, meet a need. Serve others. Be a constant blessing to others.

Wow! What a comparison to my own behavior. Brutally honest - I'm sure that at some point the thought would have entered my mind, at a minimum, that 'I just died to save you. I miraculously rose from the dead. At least a thank you would be nice.' I'm not so certain I would have sat on the banks, built a fire & started skinning fish for someone else. Nope, pretty sure I wouldn't have - I'm not much for skinning fish really. I may have gone to the banks, and stood their waiting to see how long it took them to recognize me - waiting to see their faces when they realized who I was. Yup, that's probably a lot closer to reality for me. Looks like I've got quite a way to go before I've reached the UNBELIEVABLE perfect behavior Jesus models for us in John 13. But for the grace of God.....
These are just my thoughts on things related to my daily walk with God. I've always been a journal-keeper, and this is the area that demands most of the space in every journal I've ever kept. This is my passion, and I hope that by sharing my thoughts on the things I'm going through, I might be able to bless you in some way. Enjoy.